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Natural and Human Factors Affecting Our Water Supply - Section 11.1 Quiz
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Most of the freshwater in Canada exists
below the surface.
in the air in the form of water vapour.
in lakes and streams.
in the ocean.
A rain barrel works much like
a watershed.
an iceberg.
an underground stream.
an ocean.
Flooding may occur when
the water table rises to the ground's surface.
the aquifer enlarges into a lake.
contamination from human activities enters a lake.
the water table reaches the watershed.
In which case below would the water table be above the ground's surface?
Wheat field
Which is not a common cause of flooding?
Over-use of wells
Heavy rainfall
Sudden spring thaw
Which is least likely to occur during a drought?
The watershed slowly gains water
There is reduced precipitation
Lakes experience lower water levels
The upper surface of the water table drops
Which natural disaster would be least likely to affect the water table?
Forest fire
How are aquifer and water table related?
The water table is the top level of an aquifer
The water table is the same thing as an aquifer
An aquifer and the water table are not related to each other
An aquifer is always well below the water table
How deep would a well need to be dug to reach water in a marsh?
You would not need to dig a well; the water table is above the surface
It would depend on what kind of soil existed in the area
Wells must always be at least 100 m deep, below the soil and clay layer
It would need to be deep enough to reach the pebble layer also known as the aquifer
Which industry would be least likely to affect the water table?
Computer chip manufacturing
Oil sands development
Pulp and paper production
Crop irrigation