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Effects of Use and Disposal of Pure Substances and Mixtures on the Environment - Section 9.3 Quiz
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Which choice is not a level of treatment of waste water?
What is the first stage of treatment that waste water goes through?
Primary settling tank
Tertiary lagoon
Primary grit chamber
Secondary advanced sludge
What is primarily removed during secondary treatment of waste water?
Bacteria and protozoa
Rocks, sand and grit
Suspended solids
Which type of chemical is not normally used in farming?
Why are women of childbearing age and children under 15 told to restrict their consumption of sport fish caught in Ontario waters?
The fish are contaminated with pesticide residues
The fish have abnormal hormone levels due to human waste
The fish are toxic because of algae blooms caused by phosphates
The fish are genetically altered because of acid rain
Which material does not pose any particular hazard when it is placed in a landfill?
Plastic milk bottle
Half a can of dried oil-based paint
Fluorescent light bulb
Rechargeable battery
Which statement about uranium use in nuclear energy production is false?
Uranium slowly breaks down in sunlight until it is no longer hazardous
To be used as a fuel source, uranium must first be enriched
Uranium is dangerous because it is radioactive
Spent nuclear fuel can be hazardous for as long as 10,000 years
What is the first stage of treatment of spent uranium fuel?
Storage in a large pool of water
It is spread in a thin layer to dry
Transportation to a reprocessing site
Storage deep underground in steel and concrete
What is sludge?
Residual semi-solid material left over from waste water treatment
The liquid waste water from toilets, baths, showers and sinks
A mixture of waste rock that is a byproduct of nickel and copper smelting
Toxic waste that is left in a large pool until it is no longer hazardous
Which choice below is not a way in which pesticides enter the water supply?
Run off