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ScienceSource 7 - Unit C

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Chapter 7

Key Image

Page 184 - Key Resource - ScienceSource PLUS

Electronic Student Book Chapter 7 - the Electronic Student Book file for this chapter is provided in web-enabled pdf format. If you are logged into, clicking the page numbers of the pdf file will present you with all available web resources for that page.


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Maple Syrup - everything you may want to know about maple syrup production.


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Unit Task: Water Quality - the quality of our water is very important, and contaminants are everywhere.


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Burnaby Oil Spill - for more information on this unfortunate incident:


Page 195

Pure Substances and Mixtures - the everyday products you use can be classified in different ways:


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Classification of Matter by Composition - do you know how to classify matter by its composition? Find out by trying this puzzle.

Online Quiz

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Section 7.1 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.

Key Image

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SMART notebook activity - 7.2 The Particle Theory of Matter - use this SMART notebook object to enhance your lesson. This is a downloadable file that requires SMART notebook software.


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Particle Theory - In this excellent video, the particle theory and how it is related to changes in state is explained and discussed.

Key Lab

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Supplementary Lab: The Particle Theory of Matter - Heating and Cooling a Copper Wire - What will happen to a copper wire when it is heated and cooled? Students test the effects of heat on the particles of a copper wire supporting a load.


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The Freezing Point of Salt Water - - control the temperature of a beaker of water and see the effect it has on the particles within (ExploreLearning login is required).


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Changing States of Matter - energy changes in particles can result in changes of state:

  • States of Matter - a very good overview of how particles behave in the different states.
  • States of Matter - a very good lesson that explains how energy change affects state.
  • Sublimation - all about this interesting change of state.

Key Image

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Changes of State - in this image, you need to label the states of matter and what changes of state are represented by the arrows.

Key Video

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Key Lab Video: Activity C10 - Acting Out the Particle Model - join senior author Lionel Sandner for ideas on how you and your classmates might go about acting out the particle model.


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The Particle Theory of Matter - do you understand the particle theory of matter? Find out by trying this puzzle.

Online Quiz

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Section 7.2 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.


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Carbon Dioxide - how can such an important gas have such a bad reputation?

Key Quiz

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Chapter 7 Quiz - want to review what you have learned in chapter 7? Try this special online chapter quiz.


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Unit Task: Water Quality - the contaminants that enter our water system travel by the rules of the particle theory of matter

Chapter 8

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Page 210 - Key Resource - ScienceSource PLUS

Electronic Student Book Chapter 8 - the Electronic Student Book file for this chapter is provided in web-enabled pdf format. If you are logged into, clicking the page numbers of the pdf file will present you with all available web resources for that page.


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The Walkerton Disaster - showing the importance of providing clean drinking water.

Key Image

Page 214 - Key Resource - ScienceSource PLUS

SMART notebook activity - 8.1 Solutions: Concentration and Solubility - use this SMART notebook object to enhance your lesson. This is a downloadable file that requires SMART notebook software.


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Dry Cleaning - getting your garments clean without water:


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Dry Cleaning - this movie gives you a great tour of the dry cleaning process.

Online Quiz

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Section 8.1 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.


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Solutions: Concentration and Solubility - do you know how concentration and solubility affect a solution? Find out by trying this puzzle.

Key Activity

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Online Quick Lab: Time Lapse Dissolving - how long does it take a particular solid to dissolve? Watch the movie of potassium permanganate dissolving, then find out how much you know about dissolving rate.

Key Image

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Solubility of Copper Sulphate - copper sulphate is a blue chemical that is often used as a fungicide. What happens when you add copper sulphate to water? Using what you know about solubility and particle theory, explain what you see in this series of images.

Key Lab

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Supplementary Lab: Mixtures and Solutions - Temperature and Solubility - What effect does temperature have on the solubility of a substance? Students test the solubility of substances at various temperatures.


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Solubility and Temperature - - add a chemical to the water, set the temperature, and stir (ExploreLearning login is required).


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John Dalton - the more you learn about the man, the more you'll understand particles.


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Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen - warmer water can have dire consequences:

Online Quiz

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Section 8.2 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.


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Factors Affecting Solubility - do you know what factors affect solubility? Find out by trying this puzzle.


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Separation Techniques - how can you separate the pure parts from mixtures?

Key Image

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Chromatography - how does particle theory help explain how chromatography works? This image helps to explain.


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Using Recycled Materials - great products can be made from "waste" materials:

Key Video

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Key Lab Video: Activity C28 - Designing a Method to Separate a Mixture - join author Don Lacy for ideas on how you can plan and conduct the separation of a mixture.


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Carbon Removal - how can carbon dioxide be removed from the atmosphere?

Online Quiz

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Section 8.3 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.


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Separating Solutions and Mechanical Mixtures - do you know how to separate a mixture? how about a solution? Find out by trying this puzzle.


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Consumer Product Safety - Health Canada maintains this site, with all sorts of product safety information.

Key Quiz

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Chapter 8 Quiz - want to review what you have learned in chapter 8? Try this special online chapter quiz.


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Unit Task: Water Quality - the contaminants that enter our water system travel by the rules of the particle theory of matter

Chapter 9

Key Image

Page 238 - Key Resource - ScienceSource PLUS

Electronic Student Book Chapter 9 - the Electronic Student Book file for this chapter is provided in web-enabled pdf format. If you are logged into, clicking the page numbers of the pdf file will present you with all available web resources for that page.


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Separation Techniques - how can you separate the pure parts from mixtures?


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Panning For Gold - what are the tricks to this age-old separation technique?

Online Quiz

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Section 9.1 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.


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Industrial Methods to Separate Components of Mixtures - do you know how industries separate mixtures? Find out by trying this puzzle.

Key Image

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SMART notebook activity - 9.2 Impact of Industrial Methods of Separating Mixtures and Solutions - use this SMART notebook object to enhance your lesson. This is a downloadable file that requires SMART notebook software.


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Air Filters - how do they work to clean the air?


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Impact of Industrial Methods of Separating Mixtures and Solutions - do you understand the impact of industries separating mixtures? Find out by trying this puzzle.

Online Quiz

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Section 9.2 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.


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Sewage and Waste Treatment - it's a dirty job, but is has to be done!

Key Lab

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Supplementary Lab: Mixtures and Solutions - Chlorine and the Environment - Should the amount of chlorine in our water be increased at certain times of year? Students research the use of chlorine is the processing and treatment of waste water and report on the risks and benefits.


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CANDU - Canadian nuclear technology:

Key Video

Page 260 - Key Resource - ScienceSource PLUS

Key Lab Video: Activity C44 - Community Treatment of Wastewater - how is wastewater treated in your community? The best way to find out is to take a tour of your local treatment plant. In this video, you can take a tour of a modern and efficient waste water treatment facility in a Canadian community.

Online Quiz

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Section 9.3 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.


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Effects of Use and Disposal of Pure Substances and Mixtures on the Environment - do you understand the effects of man-made mixtures and substances in the environment? Find out by trying this puzzle.

Key Quiz

Page 265 - Key Resource - ScienceSource PLUS

Chapter 9 Quiz - want to review what you have learned in chapter 9? Try this special online chapter quiz.


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Unit Task: Water Quality - the contaminants that enter our water system travel by the rules of the particle theory of matter

Key Quiz

Page 271 - Key Resource - ScienceSource PLUS

Unit C Review Quiz - want to review what you have learned in unit C? Try this special online unit quiz.