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Chapter 1
Electronic Student Book Table of Contents and Introduction - this Table of Contents and Introduction Electronic Student Book file is provided in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. Please note that some Electronic Student Book files are large and may take some time to download to your computer.
Electronic Student Book Toolkit - this Toolkit Electronic Student Book file is provided in pdf format.
Electronic Student Book Glossary and Index - this Glossary and Index Electronic Student Book file is provided in .pdf format.
Electronic Student Book Chapter 1 - the Electronic Student Book file for this chapter is provided in web-enabled pdf format. If you are logged into, clicking the page numbers of the pdf file will present you with all available web resources for that page.
The Rouge River Valley - known to local Iroquois as Katabokokonk, the Rouge River is a very important part of this valley ecosystem in northeast Toronto:
Unit Task: Your Ecological Footprint - how large is your ecological footprint?
First Nations Peoples and the Environment - Aboriginal cultures were very aware that maintaining a healthy environment was vital to their survival.
The Boreal Forest - images and information about living things found in Ontario.
Ecosystem Basics - this is an excellent video that covers the basics of ecosystems, including biotic and abiotic components.
Pond Ecosystem -
Basic Needs of Living Things - this is an excellent video that covers the basic requirements for all living things.
Biotic Elements Survive Without Oxygen - also known as anaerobes, oxygen can even be poisonous to them.
Supplementary Lab: Biotic Interactions - Competition for Space - How do biotic components interact in an ecosystem? This lab uses simple materials and seeds to find out how plants interact when confined to a limited amount of space.
Interaction of Biotic and Abiotic Elements - do you know your biotic and abiotic elements? Find out by trying this puzzle.
Section 1.1 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.
SMART notebook activity - 1.2 The Roles of Producers - use this SMART notebook object to enhance your lesson. This is a downloadable file that requires SMART notebook software.
Mount Tambora Eruption Hardly Known -
The Year With No Summer - a whole season of darkness as a result of natural disaster.
Producers - when we think of producers, we usually think of green plants, photosynthesis and food.
Photosynthesis - photosynthesis is probably the most important process on Earth for allowing living things to survive.
Photosynthesis Lab -
Ecosystems, Communities, Populations, and Species - interactions between biotic and abiotic elements.
Ecosystems, Communities, Populations, and Species - try these activities to learn and better appreciate the organization and complexity of ecosystems.
Vegetarianism - some people choose to consume only plants for their nutrition.
The Roles of Producers - do you know the roles of producers? Find out by trying this puzzle.
Section 1.2 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.
Producers, Consumers, Decomposers - in this excellent video, a wetland food chain is used to discuss producers, consumers, and decomposers.
Consumers - consumers must eat other things in order to get nutrients to survive.
Predator or Prey Images - download this PowerPoint file to use as a source of class discussion. How would you classify the animal images - predator, or prey? Herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?
Key Video - Cheetah: Predator and Consumer - the cheetah is an excellent example of a predator. This video shows what an effective hunter the cheetah is.
The Tiger as a Predator - Check out this high definition image with audio description.
Scavenger - beautiful photos of scavengers, as well an excellent explanation of their behaviour.
Food Chains - these activities help to further understand food chains.
Prairie Ecosystem -
Ocean Food Chains: Whales - how do the largest animals on Earth fit into their food chains?
Online Quick Lab: How Do Food Chains Work? - Confused about the direction of arrows in food chains? Watch the movie that explains the arrows and then try to your hand at making your own food chain.
Food Chain -
Ecosystem in a Jar - these activities are designed to test what components are necessary to create a healthy, stable ecosystem.
Key Lab Video: Activity A16 - Ecosystem in a Jar - join Senior Author Lionel Sander for tips and demonstrations on how to make your ecosystem in a jar successful.
Key Lab Video: Activity A16 - Ecosystem in a Jar Assembly - this video clearly shows how to do procedure step 5, constructing an ecosystem in a jar.
Section 1.3 Quiz - need more practice? Try this online quiz.
Producers and Consumers - do you know about producers and consumers? Find out by trying this puzzle.
The Wainfleet Bog - a natural area found in southern Ontario that has been protected to save this unique ecosystem.
Chapter 1 Quiz - want to review what you have learned in chapter 1? Try this special online chapter quiz.
Unit Task: Your Ecological Footprint - how large is your ecological footprint?
Zoos and Ecosystems - although zoos preserve many species, some people argue that the animals should be kept in protected natural areas like parks.
Zoos and Ecosystem Activities - try your hand at managing animals in the correct ecosystem:
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